Collingtree CofE Primary School

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At Collingtree, we use the “Little Wandle" scheme to teach phonics. Please click on the link below to take you to the useful Little Wandle parent page:

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds

Key vocabulary that you may find useful:
Phoneme The sound that is heard
Grapheme The written representation of the sound
Diagraph Two letters that make a single sound e.g. ‘oa’ as in goat
Trigraph Three letters that make a single sound e.g. ‘igh’ as in light
Split diagraph When two letter make a single sound but are not consecutive in a word – this is always a vowel followed by the letter e e.g. a_e as in cake, e_e as in Pete, i_e as in bike, o_e as in woke, u_e as in flute

Identifying the individual sounds and combining them to read the word


e.g. b-oa-t


Listening for the sounds in words gives children the best start for improving spelling


A word made of the sequence: consonant, vowel, consonant e.g. cat


A word made of the sequence: consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant e.g. stop




A word made of the sequence: consonant, vowel, consonant, consonant e.g. pond


Repetition of the same initial sound at the beginning of a sequence words e.g. the big, bad, bold bear was brave


A word that contains more than one syllable

Phonics in Reception Curriculum Documents

Click on the links below to see the order in which we teach each sound in each term:

 Phonics in Year 1 

The main focus in year one is phase 5. Children entering Phase Five will already be able to read and spell words with adjacent consonants, such as trap, string and flask. They will also be able to read and spell some polysyllabic words.

In Phase Five, children will learn more graphemes and phonemes. For example, they already know 'ai' as in rain, but now they will be introduced to 'ay' as in day and 'a-e' as in make.

Phase 5

ay, ou, ie

ea, oy, ir, ue

aw, wh, ph

oe, au, ew

a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e

Alternative pronunciations for graphemes will also be introduced, e.g. 'ea' in tea, head and break.

Tricky Words

Throughout their phonics learning the children will be exposed to common irregular words that cannot be decoded phonetically. These will be given to the children in sets of varying amount throughout their time in year 1 and reception. These are words that the children are expected to read at the end of Reception and spell at the end of year one. These include:

the ; no ; little ; some


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