Safeguarding at our school
EVERY child matters.
Safeguarding is very important in our school and therefore we have four members of staff trained as designated safeguarding leads.
Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs Nicola Stutters, Head of School 01604 761469 |
Deputy Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Rebecca Osborne, Executive Headteacher |
Mrs Suzanne Waller | |
Mrs Louise Holton | |
Safeguarding Governor | Mrs Kerry Tear |
At times we may need to seek advice from outside agencies as to how best to support you and your family. A copy of our safeguarding policy can be found on our Policies page.
What to do if you have concerns about a child or family
Speak with one the safeguarding leads at school.
Contact Northamptonshire Children's Trust Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 126 7000 or report a concern online.
If it is an emergency and you think that a child may be in immediate danger, please contact the emergency services directly by calling 999. If you need to contact MASH urgently during the evening, at night or at the weekend, please phone the MASH out-of-hours team on 01604 626 938.
What to do if you have concerns about an adult
If you have concerns in relation to an adult's behaviour, contact the West Northamptonshire Designated Officer.
Designated officer for West Northamptonshire: Andy Smith 07850 854309
We have a policy on Safeguarding concerns or allegations made against adults which you can find on our Policies page.
Safeguarding Themes and Information for Parents
How to make safe and healthy journeys when travelling with children: | Brake - Advice for Parents and Families |
Better Health | NHS - Healthier Families |
County Lines | Safeguarding Network |
Support Groups and Organisations for Victims of Domestic Violence
Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service (NDAS)
Local charity that has been operating since 1974. NDAS provide safe refuge for men, women and children fleeing domestic abuse. NDAS also provide a specialist refuge for female victims of abuse that also have drug and alcohol addictions.
NDAS also offer:
- Group work
- 12 week intensive support programme for adult victims
- Drop in services
- Specialist training for professionals
NDAS can be contacted in a variety of ways:
- 24 hour helpline: 0300 0120154
- Email:
- Online chat
- Facebook messenger:
Eve (formerly NVCR)
A registered charity working with survivors of domestic violence and abuse since 1984. We are based in Northampton but take referrals for refuge accommodation from all over the Country. We have been running a Family Refuge in Northamptonshire for over 35 years.
Our Restored Programme helps women who are victims of domestic abuse to rebuild their lives and prepares them for a future. We offer therapeutic group work sessions for women, children and families that help them to identify domestic abuse and to develop the resilience and confidence to change their lives. We also train professionals in a range of topics to help them help victims become survivors.
WEN Women's Aid
Women's Aid have created this space to help children and young people to understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it's happening to you. The website has pages aimed directly at children, young people and adults.
The Hideout
Provides safe, secure and confidential accommodation in three refuges within Northamptonshire for women and their children who are fleeing domestic violence or the threat of domestic violence. We also provide an Outreach & Support Service for women who live in their own accommodation.
National Domestic Violence Helpline
24-hour National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline 0808 2000 247
Immediate information and support for women experiencing domestic violence.
If lines are busy on the Helpline, keep trying. Quieter periods are after 4pm, evenings, nights and weekends. In an emergency, always call the police by dialling 999.
In addition to the Helpline, the Women’s Aid and Refuge website links can provide immediate online support and information for women experiencing domestic violence.
Refuge - For Women and Children Against Domestic Violence
Domestic Abuse Against men
Information and help on the NHS Choices website for men who may be experiencing Domestic Abuse.
Northamptonshire Early Help
What is early help?
Every family goes through challenging times at some point. Early help means working with you and your family so that small problems don’t become big problems. Early help is for everybody, for families with children and young people of any age. And it’s your choice whether to have it or not.
Why would I want early help?
There are lots of reasons why people look for early help. It could be that you’re worried about your child’s health, development or behaviour, or how they’re doing at school, or perhaps because you are caring for a disabled child. It may be that you’re worried about
money or housing and how that is affecting your family. Maybe your child or your family is affected by domestic abuse, drugs or alcohol or crime. Perhaps your child is a carer for other people, or maybe you’ve had a bereavement in the family that’s made life a
real challenge.
What should I do if I have concerns about a child or family?
1. Speak with one of the safeguarding leads at school.
2. Contact Northamptonshire multi agency safeguarding hub (MASH) on 0300 126 7000
3. Click on the link below for further advice from Northamptonshire MASH
If there is no immediate danger or if you need advice, contact the Northamptonshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub:
Telephone: 0300 126 7000 (Option 1);
Reports can also be made online: Report a Concern (
If it is an emergency and you think that a child may be in immediate danger please contact the emergency services directly by calling 999. If you need to contact MASH urgently during the evening, at night or at the weekend, please phone the MASH out-of- hours team on 01604 626 938.
4. Speak to the NSPCC
If you're an adult with concerns about a child, please reach out for help at 0808 800 5000.
For help for children and young people, call 0800 1111.
Remember safeguarding is everyone business.