Collingtree CofE Primary School

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Wellbeing Curriculum

Kapow Primary’s Wellbeing scheme of work is designed to guide each class through five different wellbeing strands:

  • Discover
  • Take notice
  • Connect
  • Give
  • Move

Each half term we focus on a different strand alongside taking part in Children's mental health week as outlined below:

Autumn 1 term:  Discover

Autumn 2 term:  Take notice

Spring 1 term:  Children's mental health week

Spring 2 term:  Connect

Summer 1 term:  Give

Summer 2 term:  Move


Each strand is progressive and builds on prior knowledge and skills, with age-appropriate lessons from Reception to year 6. The scheme includes coverage of statutory RSE objectives. 

The programme focuses on improving pupil well-being, but we also recognise the importance of staff well-being.

Useful websites for children and parents to support wellbeing and mental health:

Improving children’s and young peoples mental health – Place2Be

Promoting mental health and wellbeing | NSPCC Learning

Mental Health And Wellbeing | Anna Freud

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

Children’s 0-19 Services | NHFT

Wellbeing Support | Activities & ideas | British Red Cross


Wellbeing Long Term Map

Wellbeing Long Term Map


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